Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Heaven Bound

Pastor Bob Salliby went home to be with the Lord this morning at 12:16 am. 
He is the happiest he has ever been!!!

As many of you know, Pastor Bob fell two weeks ago and sustained a severe head injury resulting in a blood clot.  He had emergency brain surgery and remained in critical condition for two weeks.  His prognisis was not favorable.  Then Sunday night, Bob took a turn for the worse.  Yesterday he was surrounded by Melinda and Christine and many extended family and friends. The day was filled with prayers, reading of God's Word and singing praises!!!   We rejoice for our friend is spending today in Heaven in the presence of the Most Holy One.   He has heard His Father say "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

Many of you have emailed or called wanting to know how you can help.  We will be contacting you soon to let you know.  Thank you for loving Bob, Melinda and Christine!

Until we see Bob again.....
We remain In Line With the Word


  1. Praying for you, this is a time of great sadness but also a time of rejoicing because we know Whom Bob served and Whose He was. He is home with Jesus. I pray comfort and strength for you and Christine, knowing that you are being held right in the palm of God's mighty hands. We love you very much, and Bob will be greatly missed...I can say this about him...He was a great friend and a man who walked with God, much love and prayers Ted & Jeanne

  2. Precious, precious Melinda and Christine,

    Oh, how I love Pastor Bob. What a GOOD, SWEET man - what a WONDERFUL pastor - what a GLORIOUS life!

    In Heaven, the angels are rejoicing today, and now Pastor Bob will finally know how many, many, many, many, many people he directly (and indirectly) brought to Jesus. My husband Bob is one of them. When I was new to LAOG and went to the first class of Effective Personal Soul Winning, Pastor Bob told me he was worried that he might have scared me away. But what he really did was spur me on to action! I ran home and grabbed my Bob, saying, "Listen to what this pastor said...this is way more serious than you think...," and gave him the sinner's prayer. It wasn't long after that my Bob was born again! Praise God (and thank you, Pastor Bob)! :)

    Here on earth, God richly rewarded Pastor Bob with love beyond measure in his family life. He was always like a starstruck kid when he talked about his precious Melinda and Christine: "Pinch me! I must be dreaming!!!!"

    So even though my heart is broken - it's not for Pastor Bob. I can only imagine the "AMAZING LOVE" that's pouring out on him right now!!!!!! But for the rest of us - we can take comfort in having had the privilege to know and learn from this humble servant. We can honor his ministry by doing our part to lead the lost to Jesus, and we can lovingly tend to each other as we all patiently wait to join Pastor Bob again.

    With great sadness - but also with overflowing joy, constant prayers, and love, love, love,

    Alice Stacy

  3. Our hearts grieve with you for your loss and rejoice that Bob now sees his beloved Savior face to face. He was an inspiration to us of what real boldness in Christianity is. We are praying God's comfort and peace rest with you and Christine. Love, Lee and Pam Farnsworth

  4. God's word says that he is "close to the broken hearted" and I'm praying today and especially in this week ahead that God's promise will be tangibly true in Melinda and Christine's lives. I'm praying that they will feel the comfort of Jesus and that He will provide for their every need.

    I love you Salliby girls :) You stood with our family through our darkest hour a few years ago and today I stand with you by upholding you in prayer! Wish I was there to do more!

  5. Melinda and Christine, I wish I could be there today to hug you both. But please know that I am upholding you both in prayer, as is my entire family. I wish we could do more. I agree with Alice that it will be amazing to Bob when he finds out how many people he touched with his life and the ministry that God gave him. Great is his reward today in Heaven!

  6. Pastor Bob ran the good race and he fought the good fight. Melinda and Christine, may our Lord continue to uphold you in His arms and bring comfort to your hearts. Words can never be enough to soothe the pain, but know that you are surrounded by many who love you and grieve with you. Pastor Bob was like a dad to me and I'll cherish the good times we had. He mentored me in the faith, helped me step out to serve in ministries I never thought of and always prayed for a husband for me:) As I continue serving in a ministry that I helped him start, his memories will always be in my heart and I know he'll be cheering me on from heaven. Well done, good and faithful servant. I love you and will miss you. Until we meet again....Lilian Mbiyu

  7. Melinda & Christine;

    We were saddened to hear of Bob's death, but we remain confident of his eternal joy in the presence of our Lord Jesus.

    Bob had remarkable zeal, even in his physical afflictions, he was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "for it is the power of God unto salvation..."

    It has truly been a blessing to have had Bob and you ladies put in our lives by our Sovereign God.

    Chuck & Sue Miller

  8. Just thinking of you Christine and Melinda and holding you in prayer. Bob has been such a blessing to Ron and I (Charline) our lives are much richer for knowing him.
    Bob thank you for your faithfulness and obedience to the Gospel.
    Thank you for your hearts desire to bring the word to the lost and thank you for your dedication to the people of LAOG.church.
    Until we meet again
    We will miss you
    Ron and Charline

  9. I remember Bob preaching at Trinity Assembly of God years ago. He was a sweet and kind man of God. We all will miss him. God bless and keep you Melinda.
