Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What a great reason to enjoy a yummy chocolate cake! Happy Anniversary Mike & Mindy and Happy Birthday Brian and Sally! At least this time, we didn't almost have to call the fire department! Thanks to everyone involved in pulling off the tasty surprise!

Since our blog is to celebrate what we are doing in our Home Team and the friendships we treasure, Laurie offered a tutorial to a few of our members. It's such a great way to communicate and we look forward to hearing from YOU!

Kim and Laurie had a yearning for something a bit sweeter than cake so we revealed Charlie's secret candy stash.

Can you tell ? Charlie shared! Look at those happy faces! Who doesn't enjoy a handful of Mike & Ikes!

Though , as you can see, we really enjoy our time of food, fun and fellowship, we never forget why we get together every week! Our study of John Bevere's series Driven by Eternity has led to lots of digging in scripture and many lively discussions. Last evenings meeting offered nothing less while we discussed the firm foundation in the truths of eternal judgment , fear of the Lord and the building of a proper and healthy life in Christ!

Until the next time...we are in line with the word!



  1. Charlie better put those "guard cats" by the door to his candy stash. Now that I know where it is, it isn't safe from being raided.

    :) Kim

  2. Thank you Charlie for sharing your stash with us. I agree with's a good thing you have those "guard cats" protecting the loot.

    What a great time we had last night. I am truly appreciative of the close relationships that are being formed which allows me to share my thoughts and concerns without feeling judged. While we laugh and have fun, it is wonderful that we can search the Truth of God's Word as friends.

    - I am..."waiting to arrive"

  3. Looks like you guys are having fun! So much to celebrate!!! :)

    Love and miss you all!

  4. Hi Caitlin! I've been enjoying your travels and adventures in Rome vicariously through your blog. How delightful to be able to reciprocate the favor by sharing ours with you!
