Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Call To Action

"Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of My brethren, you did it to Me." Matt 25:40

In our studies this past week, we were reminded that' it is the daily living, the small things that God is watching, yearning for us to catch His vision and heart while we go about our business.' (John Bevere)

It was a blessing to watch members of our very own 'In Line With The Word' Home Team put that into action recently.

Mindy's heart for service is in the kitchen and OH! she can cook! She shares her love through her cookies, meatballs, sausages, and soooo many tasty treats . Way to go Mindy! Thanks Mike for sharing your lovely wife's' talents with us. Sunday's Home Team Leaders Lunch and Training fed our stomachs , hearts and minds!

Mindy had her very own trusted "servers', our fun loving Kim and Laurie. I have NEVER seen such joyful waitresses or heard so much laughter coming from a kitchen. 'God has certainly promised that He has given each of us, according to our abilities, all we need to joyfully serve Him and to be obedient to His Word! (See Matt 25; Acts 11; Ephesians 4:16)

We saw that Sunday, when Mindy, Kim and Laurie heard and obeyed the Call To Action!
Until the next time, we are "In Line With The Word"

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Don't you just love our new look. Well, thank you Judy for working so diligently to give our blog a facelift. We just love it and showed it to a meeting of small group leaders today. You may have a budding business beginning!

Again, we are blessed by your generosity. THANK YOU!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What a great reason to enjoy a yummy chocolate cake! Happy Anniversary Mike & Mindy and Happy Birthday Brian and Sally! At least this time, we didn't almost have to call the fire department! Thanks to everyone involved in pulling off the tasty surprise!

Since our blog is to celebrate what we are doing in our Home Team and the friendships we treasure, Laurie offered a tutorial to a few of our members. It's such a great way to communicate and we look forward to hearing from YOU!

Kim and Laurie had a yearning for something a bit sweeter than cake so we revealed Charlie's secret candy stash.

Can you tell ? Charlie shared! Look at those happy faces! Who doesn't enjoy a handful of Mike & Ikes!

Though , as you can see, we really enjoy our time of food, fun and fellowship, we never forget why we get together every week! Our study of John Bevere's series Driven by Eternity has led to lots of digging in scripture and many lively discussions. Last evenings meeting offered nothing less while we discussed the firm foundation in the truths of eternal judgment , fear of the Lord and the building of a proper and healthy life in Christ!

Until the next time...we are in line with the word!


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Driven by Eternity Friends

Hello there my friends,
What makes this Home Team so very special is YOU! Yes, we gather to grow spiritually but you understand that it's so much more than that. It's all about the bond that is forming
between us as we draw closer to God. That's what has made this group such a success! We could get together for a more traditional style Bible study but gathering for food, fellowship, conversation , laughter and teasing, prayers and praise before we begin and woven throughout our study each week is what really sets our team apart and makes it so very special!! I pray that being in a home setting has helped barriers to come down and for each of us to be less guarded and much more open with one another. We've created and maintain our blog hoping that it will reflect that. We hope that it will inspire others to become a part of or start up a home team. We hope that they will be blessed like us!
I love you all,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Chair's Journey

Hey there friends! This is the first week of our In Line With The Word Blog and we are thrilled. It's our way of letting everyone know what our home team is doing as we study God's Word and we show friends helping friends. I'm on my own with this my first posting! Yikes, it reminds me of my first solo flight as a young pilot!

Our cracker jack volunteers Brian and Chip arrived to pick up and deliver the donated chair to the Salliby's.

I was given the royal treatment but I don't think that Brian or Chip could put me down fast enough! I hope neither was hurt by the heavy lifting!

Before long our convoy is on the move and the journey has begun!

Bob and Melinda are friends of our home team and so deserving of this great chair. It's not just a recliner but a medical lift chair which will help Bob up into a standing position. It's comfy but best of all by any man's standard, it comes with it's very own remote control!

We remain, In Line With The Word,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pastor Harv Checks In On Us

So if you know us...you know we are a rowdy group. They don't even allow us to sit together in church. How Kim and Mindy manage to sit together in Section 3, Row 5 is a mystery. I am sure the pastoral team will soon be separating them.

So Pastor Harv and Mrs. Jean came to spy...oh I mean, visit with us last night. It was great to have them at our small group. They added great widsom and insight into our conversations. It's such a blessing to have such strong Pastors and their wives serving at Leominster Assembly. We are truly thankful for them all!!!

We began last night as always with a time of food and fellowship. Thank you Mindy for your Blonde Brownies. Did you make those especially for Melinda?

Many gave praise reports and prayer requests before watching our DVD. The group discussion was lively and thought provoking. We focused a lot of conversation on "falling away" from God and having your name blotted out of the Book of Life. Who can imagine ever choosing to walk away from eternal life with Jesus?

We missed you Jay and Peter. Can't wait to see you next week. We will be continuing with Hour4, Chapter 6.

Until then we remain...In Line With The Word.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meet our Group

Sally hosts this bible study each week. Thanks Sally!!! Or should we call you Brave Heart!!!

Kim and Chip add lively conversation and much laughter to our group. Hey Chip...when are you bringing your mongoose to our study?

Kristi is our shy one...no pictures please is her motto. We love ya Krisit.

Mike and Mindy are original members of In Line With The Word. Maybe that's why Mike is so protective of his "seat". We love seeing Mindy each week with her home baked goods!!!

Don't let Brian fool you. Even though he doesn't say much...he has a lot to say!

We are always thrilled when Peter Kovacs is able to join us! He always gets things stirred up !

Finally....How many blondes does it take to pose for a picture? When we find out the answer, you'll see pictures of Melinda and Laurie. And you've already met the Birthday boy Jay.

Til later...we are In Line With The Word!

Cumpleaños Felices Jay!!!

Happy Birthday Jay or is it Happy Mexican Flag Day! It doesn't matter to us...we will celebrate just about anything. Luckily for us, he was born on Mexican Flag Day. Last week we threw Jay a surprise birthday party. Thank you Melinda for the idea..sorry you missed it :(

You can't celebrate Mexican Flag Day Birthday without a sombrero, serape, maracas and red hot chili beads. Jay was a great sport about modeling this for us.

He must have really liked the serape cuz' he wore it ALL night. Watch out we might see him wearing it to church during Missions Week.

A birthday party wouldn't be complete without a cake. Next time we should check on fire codes before lighting all those candles! Aren't there laws against having a bon fire indoors???

When the smoke cleared.....

And the candles were finally extinguished...this is what was left of the cake!!! We've never seen frosting bubble. Yummy!!!

Jay, we pray you had a blessed day! We are excited that you are part of our small group and we look forward to growing in God's Word with you. May God bless your year and draw you closer to Him.