Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Service For The Lord!

If you look back in our blog archive you'll realize that we
had our very own Growth Group long before Growth
Groups become a Ministry focus at New Life Church!
God brought a group of us together, already as friends,
to grow those friendships as we explored the wonders
found in God's Word.  In His perfect timing, the
'charter members' of our In Line With The Word team
moved on and a door was opened for us to fully embrace
the Growth Group experience and new friends.

This Spring quarter we welcomed some 'new' and some
'familiar' friends. Just like the original team, we grew
spiritually as we learned how to live the joys of "The Blessed
Life"  through an exciting DVD/Discussion series by Pastor
Robert Morris! We learned that when God changes your heart
from selfishness to generosity, every part of your life-
journey is affected. With our hearts open, the roots of
friendship were planted and thrive. We learned something
valuable every week and we agreed that this was truly a
'life changing' experience!

Over the years our group has reached out to serve!
This quarter, as we tried to create a project, God
revealed His plan. Let me give you a little background.
A long time friend & client 'Jane' has for the last few
years had to face many challenges with her health and
finances. Things that you and I take for granted, the
ability to walk and breath with ease and comfort, 'Jane'
struggles with and that means that every day chores like
getting the trash collected and out for pickup or keeping
her yard clean and mowed are impossible for her. Since
her medical conditions have exhausted her finances she
can't afford the luxury of hiring help!

 One day recently, when I picked her up to take her grocery
shopping, I noticed that her yard looked particularly neglected.
Now 'Jane's' yard has been in need of some help before and I've
offered before and she's always turned away my offer
to help. Last week when we pulled back into her driveway
and I began unloading her groceries, the words of help
almost got stuck in my throat but that little familiar voice
from inside told me "go ahead, don't be afraid, offer to
brings some friends to help with a clean-up before the
4th of July!' A miracle happened that day because without
a moments hesitation, she accepted and a plan to reach
out and to show the love to God to someone lost in this
dark cruel world, was born.

Our group was smaller than usual but we were determined
in spite of 90 degree temperatures and high humidity, we
forged ahead. We loaded the truck with mower, blowers,
weedwacker, rakes, and more and were on our way to 'Jane's'
house. The photos that follow will give you a bit of an idea
of the Before & After!

As dusk was descending, we wrapped things up for the
evening. We had pulled weeds, trimmed bushes, picked up
downed branches, hauled away dead branches, picked
up the trash, swept the driveway and left the trash by the
road ready for pickup! The yard isn't done but 'Jane'
was thrilled and so happy and appreciative.

While 'Jane' and I chatted later in the evening driving
to and from the store, she couldn't get over the kindness
of 'strangers'. As one of our team said to me on Saturday,
the best part of her (birthday) day was the service project.
As she said, "I felt so blessed. Not only to help someone
out in need, but also to be doing a service for the Lord.
I had a smile on my face and in my heart for the rest of the
evening. Even today it makes me smile. It truly is more
of a blessing to give than to receive."

We strive to always live In Line With The Word!
Posted by Sally

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