Monday, April 23, 2012

Puzzle Maker

I love when I look back and see how God puts the pieces of a puzzle together just perfectly...even a 5000 piece puzzle!  Most of those close to me know that I am a control freak...and it's been a struggle for me to completely trust God and just let go.  Last summer, I gave control of my job, my livelihood, my finances, my security to the Almighty and left a job that I had worked at for over 16 years.  I didn't have another job lined up but knew that leaving was the right thing to do. It felt like dumping a puzzle of of the box...and starting from the beginning.

Of course, God had already begun to work on my puzzle a few months before. He had laid it on my pastor's heart to have me work on a committee at church using my administrative skills. God is always working on our behalf!!!

I found myself with plenty of free time so I decided to volunteer at my church a couple times a week in the office. I figured I could spend some time hanging out with friends, volunteering and enjoying the summer. I hadn't had summer vacations in a long time so this would be great!  God was perfectly fitting those puzzle pieces together.

A month or so later, I mentioned to my pastor that if they were ever going to expand the staff at church, I would be interested.  But leave it up to my Lord and Savior who had already spoken to our pastor about this ...get this...6 months earlier!  He was probably finished with the border back then!!!

Wait...and get this...the night the church council was to discuss my employment, I had the opportunity to do a presentation to the entire board (remember the committee I was on?)  More puzzle pieces being added to the puzzle.

I get excited when I think about how my puzzle is fitting together and how my puzzle fits together with the puzzle He is creating for our church!!! He is such an awesome puzzle maker!!!

Until He is finished with all this puzzle making...
I remain...
In Line With the Word!!


  1. I like how you compare taking a leap of faith to dumping out a new puzzle box--- not sure how all the pieces will go together, but you trust. He sure is Faithful! Thank you for sharing your heart. much love, Alisha

  2. I love the puzzle analogy! Though the puzzle might be your very own, we're pieces in each others life puzzles! How neat is that!

