Saturday, October 1, 2011

Kids Suite Part 2

Sorry for the delay in posting about the transformation of the kids suite at church. Sally and I were anxious to get the other half of the suite completed but we knew we needed help.  Brian was on vacation so we recruited him to help with the room.  Charlie is always a willing participant as well.  We are blessed to have husbands with such servant hearts!
Finished Project
Loving the color!

And this is the work crew that spent hours removing furniture, cleaning baseboard, washing walls, patching holes, painting the walls, framing pictures, and staging the room.

Sally patching the walls
Brian working hard on vacation

Charlie is such a big help!

...and if you haven't figured it out....I know to take the pictures...then I don't have to be in the posts!!!
Don't tell the guys, but we have plans to re-do EVERY room downstairs.

As we serve...we remain
In Line With The Word

1 comment:

  1. It looks great!!! I'm sure the kids are loving it. I hope the guys don't read the blog or they might decide to head out of town for their next vacation ;)

