Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Fun!

 The 4th of July is a day to reflect, remember and to be
thankful for the privileges and  freedom  that come with living
in this great country!  May God continue to bless America!
It was wonderful being able to celebrate together and what
better place to hang out than at Kim and Chip's beautifully
refreshing pool!

Our photo's will tell you some of the story! After a delicious
lunch, we celebrated Kristi's and Mindy's birthdays too!

We relaxed and just had fun talking about all sorts
of stuff.

Most of the action was around and in the pool, including water
fights with super soakers, water balloon toss, and even
synchronized swimming. It was a perfect day!

Eventually the sun, fun, and laughter wore a few of us out!

We hope that you enjoyed as wonderful day
as we did!

Your In Line With The Word friends
Posted by Sally


  1. What a fun time!!! I'm sorry I didn't get to see the synchronized swimming! That really would have been a sight to behold :)

    Happy 4th!!!

  2. It was such a pictures would do it justice!! haha. Nor should we ever have pictures of it.

    Thanks Kim and Chip for opening your home and pool. We had an amazing 4th!

    Laurie and Brian
