Saturday, February 12, 2011

His First Visit!

A couple of weeks ago, we welcomed our new
pastor at LAOG and last night he stopped in for a
surprise visit and enjoyed lots of laughs and some great
conversation. It was a nice chance for everyone to
get to know one another a bit better. We used to joke
when Pastor Harv stopped by for a visit, that we
prayed that I wouldn't get fired as our group leader
and our group wouldn't be disbanded! You see, we
really don't fit into a mold. While we came together to
draw closer to God and one another, we make sure that
we have plenty of fun doing it. As Jay puts it, Friday night is
our mental health night and I think that Pastor Paul got
a sense of that.

It was a fun evening though quite a bit quieter
than usual since Kim, Mike and Mindy are off
for a few weeks, doing their very own small group
study with friends who attend Crossroads Community
Church!  Laurie was home nursing a cold!

We have come to realize that we really aren't
complete when even one of our group members
is away! We have become like a family and have been
through a lot together these last 2 years, both happy
and sad times. How wonderful to know we're always
there for each another.  Life is good!

1 comment:

  1. How nice that Pastor Paul was able to join the you all last night. I'm sure he enjoyed being part of our very special group. And yes, although Mike, Mindy and I are gone for a few months we look forward to getting together for some social gatherings during that time.

    Hugs to you all, Kim
