Wednesday, April 14, 2010

God Bless America!

We were excited as we caught an early train and were off
on our adventure to enjoy the Tea Party Express in Boston!

After arriving at North Station, we walked to the State House
which overlooks the Boston Common!

As you can see, we enjoyed a picture perfect April Day!
Honestly, it could not have been better! We were guided
to the Tea Party Express buses and staging area by all
of the many satellite trucks and press corps.

Then we spotted the buses! Of course, we knew that
you might need proof that we actually were at the tea
party, so we snapped a picture or two.

The Tea Party movement is simple to explain. It's all about
a return to smaller government, following our Constitution,
fiscal responsibility and a representative government.

The people who attended today are hard working people,
who love this country. It was such an uplifting event filled with
lots of patriotic songs and speeches about how much God has
blessed this country. Don't lose heart! Believe! Get involved!
Educate yourself , support your candidates and vote in November!

The patriots attending  these rallies are fed up!
No one likes being ignored and we've experienced
a lot of  that over the last year or so!

The crowd was huge and it was amazing  how many
young conservatives joined  in the fun and how much they
embraced this movement and what it represents.

Sarah Palin fired up the crowd with a great speech.

Charlie signed the Tea Party Express wall even
though it was a challenge to find any space to sign
your name.

Then it was my turn!

As we left, we had the chance to meet these patriots.
There was no angry mob anywhere to be found. 

And I did manage to get a "Don't Tread On Me" flag.

Then we hit the Freedom Trail! I hope that you enjoy
some of Boston's favorite historic sites. We sure did!

 Quincy Market!

What a view for those who look up!

Check out The Customs House!

This spectacular ceiling is several stories over the lobby . This
building is now a time share run by the Marriott Hotel chain.
Charlie is quite interested in exchanging our Florida spot and
having a chance to spend a few days in the center of so much

We had never seen this memorable Holocost Memorial!
Each glass tower is covered with numbers representing a life lost !

 Have you met Paul Revere?

Or visited the Old North Church?

Boston is such an interesting and beautiful city. I've
always loved that every where you look you can see
historic buildings living beside the ultra modern.

My brother-in-law David and a long time friend Bob shared the day!

Our day of sightseeing eventually drew to a close and we
returned for our train ride back home. It was a long but
rewarding day. It was a day spent reflecting about those
who came before who sacrificed so much so that
we could enjoy so very much. We are blessed to live in
this great nation.



  1. Glad you enjoyed your day in Boston...and what a good cause. I love walking the Freedom Trail! So much to do in Boston!!


  2. Thanks for sharing your day with us. And what a beautiful day to spend in Boston. I don't think I've walked the entire Freedom Trail, maybe we could do it as a group.

