Enjoy the recipe for Mindy's famously delicious
Ribbon cake!
Ribbon Cake
1 stick soft margarine
1 cup flour
1 cup chopped nuts
Mix together (hands work just fine).
Spread in greased 9x13 pan.
Bake 10-12 minutes in 350 oven and cool.
Mix 8 oz. cream cheese & 1 cup of
confectioners' sugar together. Add
1 /2 large container of cool whip. Spread
over crust. Mix 3 cups of milk and
2 pkgs. Instant choc. pudding or 1 choc.
and 1 vanilla. Pour over cream cheese
mixture. Let set and then spread the
remaining cool whip and top with nuts!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas 2010

Oh my! Aren't we a good looking group?
The best thing about this picture is that
we're all in it! Yippee!

When we weren't modeling the latest in headgear, we
were discussing Christmas fashion. Mindy and Kim
came wearing their best Christmas PJ's and slippers
while Mike shopped to find the ugliest red sweater
possible to wear.
This year I didn't have the benefit of my computer
guru , Laurie, so left to my own devices I managed
to put together a Team calendar on Shutterfly! Check
out how intently everyone is looking through the pages.
No doubt they're looking to see which of the many pictures
I took over this past year made the cut!
For me, last years book and this calendar are filled
with treasured memories of lots of special times together.

While I can't give you a tour of the entire calendar,
check out the cover page. Karen is featured on the right
because she joined our group at the end of the Summer,
after our great team photo, featured on the left, was taken.

From the Dyer family (including Scout pictured
Tipper, Skye, Peanut, Tigger and Bella )
Charlie and I wish you , our dear friends, a very
happy and blessed Christmas!

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

back home, we managed to surprise her with a belated
birthday party!

Kim has become an avid runner in both 5K and 10K races
so with that in mind, all of her gifts were running related.
Check out that smile! It surely tells you everything that
you need to know! She was thrilled with a gift bag filled with
great treats all for a serious runner.

it was time to have some sweets and as always Mindy
made Kim's favorite cake!

the cake! Yummy! You know the team. Hiding behind the
napkin is our Kristi ( a member of the WPP, just kidding),
Mike, Mindy, Karen, Kim, Jay and in the front row sitting
Melinda and Sally. Laurie and Brian weren't able to join us.

What fun!
We've enjoyed a great series of DVD's by Louie Giglio and
tonight we enjoyed his newest one called the "12 Words
of Christmas" as found in Luke 2: 10-11.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Bucket List
Last weekend, Kim and Jan were able to mark "Running a 5K" off their bucket list!! Mindy and I were just glad we didn't get picked up by the "slow bus" as we walked or 3.2 miles. Kim's daughter, Tracy, ran (quite successfully) a mini-marathon!!!
We flew into Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday and met up with Rhonda Leslie. Everyone spent the afternoon catching up on the past 15 years. Rhonda and her husband use to be youth pastors at LAOG and now live in Florida. We had such a great time with Rhonda. While I'd love to tell you all the details... you know what they say..."Whatever happens in the Jaguar ~ Stays in the Jaguar". My lips are sealed! A big THANK YOU to Rhonda for getting us to the Hyatt Place just in time to pick up our bibs. Who would have known there were soooo many "H" hotels???
Sunday morning we were up bright and early to get to the start line. Who starts a race at 6:13 am? I will admit, it was great seeing the sunrise over the beach. Definitely inspiration to perservere! Although we all didn't finish at the same time, we all finished! Kim took 5th place for her age group and Jan did amazing in her age group too! Way to go for your first 5K!!! Mindy and I finished strong jogging across the finish line. Atleast we didn't get scooped up by the "slow bus".

Look at the amazing sandcastle made for th e 13.1 mini marathon. The weather was picture perfect on race day. The beach offered great scenery and a place to relax afterwards.

With the race behind us....it was time to relax. We spent the next few days sitting by the pool at Kim's house in Cape Coral. A trip to the beach at Sanibel Island was a must!!
Even the birds found the beach a great place to hang out. They barely moved from this spot all day.

Look at the amazing sandcastle made for th e 13.1 mini marathon. The weather was picture perfect on race day. The beach offered great scenery and a place to relax afterwards.
With the race behind us....it was time to relax. We spent the next few days sitting by the pool at Kim's house in Cape Coral. A trip to the beach at Sanibel Island was a must!!

Meet the team! The 1:27 Team! From l-r P.Paul,
P. Manny, Darren, Greg , Aaron & Charlie. This group
of men decided to put James 1:27 into action!
James 1:27 " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and
faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in
their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted
by the world."

of DIY help installing replacement windows. The team
arrived ready to put in a full days work but
unfortunately the wrong windows were ordered so
the team will need to regroup another day!

hand to someone in need! Check out that smile! I
think that he really just liked hanging out with the

that Kristi wouldn't return home to beautiful new windows
but happy to have a new plan to move forward.

in for coffee and cookies.Perfect on a chilly NE November
morning. Talk with anyone on this team and you'll see just
how excited they are about their new ministry. Pray for them and
better yet offer your support !
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday morning was Dedication Sunday! The children
under the age of 12 were invited to come up and lay
hands on the shoe boxes as our church family prayed
for the children who would be blessed through this simple
gift and the gospel message.
A very special heart felt 'Thank You' goes out to everyone
who shopped and donated to this missions project for
Samaritan's Purse called Operation Christmas Child .

it does and I couldn't and wouldn't want to do it without

Though the boxes are checked in N.C. before being
shipped , we want to assure that every box is
filled with lots of toys, books, school supplies,
clothes and personal hygiene supplies.

the Samaritan's Purse Cartons. This year was the first
year that we received those and it was an answer to

Life Care Center in Littleton, MA. who came to pick them up
for us. This too was a first and we are so grateful.

this year and Richard to picking up our 326 shoe boxes !
In Line With the Word
Posted by Sally
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Lots of Shoeboxes!

It's usually a combination of Mindy's sweet
treats and other snack food but tonight is a
'working night' so we needed extra fortification.

It's perfect on a chilly, Autumn evening!

Mindy's low calorie dessert. Oh yes, it was
as delicious as it looks. She always treats us
with our favorites and then adds a surprise.
So tonight we enjoyed some of her famous
cookies and this cake.

work. The guys went to living room to rest
while we girls started wrapping boxes and
then filled them with all sorts of school supplies,
toys, clothes and candy.

of boxes that will surely put smiles on some
very precious young faces. The best part
is the love, prayers and introduction to Jesus
that goes into each and every box!
Great job team!
In Line With the Word team
Posted by Sally
Monday, October 18, 2010
God's Country

Yes, you are at the In Line With The Word blog spot!
All of our members are involved in a wide variety of
ministry activities and I wanted to introduce you to
another of mine, The Lighthouse of Prayer.
Our core group has gathered for about 8 or 9 years
at my home on the first Monday of each month for
an hour of prayer. Several years ago, we decided that
we wanted to spend more time with one another socially,
so we get our families together on a seasonal basis for
a pot luck! It's my hope that you'll consider doing the
same. We need the love, support, acceptance and
encouragement of one another.
Saturday, our Lighthouse of Prayer group and a few
of us who attended Steve & Robin's wedding one year ago,
gathered for our seasonal pot luck! The pictures
speak for themselves. We all enjoyed a great afternoon
together. Congratulations Steve & Robin as you celebrate
your First Wedding Anniversary and Thank You
for sharing your beautiful home up in God's Country
with us.
Enjoy the pictures! They tell the story better than
I can!
All of our members are involved in a wide variety of
ministry activities and I wanted to introduce you to
another of mine, The Lighthouse of Prayer.
Our core group has gathered for about 8 or 9 years
at my home on the first Monday of each month for
an hour of prayer. Several years ago, we decided that
we wanted to spend more time with one another socially,
so we get our families together on a seasonal basis for
a pot luck! It's my hope that you'll consider doing the
same. We need the love, support, acceptance and
encouragement of one another.
Saturday, our Lighthouse of Prayer group and a few
of us who attended Steve & Robin's wedding one year ago,
gathered for our seasonal pot luck! The pictures
speak for themselves. We all enjoyed a great afternoon
together. Congratulations Steve & Robin as you celebrate
your First Wedding Anniversary and Thank You
for sharing your beautiful home up in God's Country
with us.
Enjoy the pictures! They tell the story better than
I can!

Posted by Sally
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