Though everyone viewed in this posting is my friend, several attend my monthly prayer group and like my friends in our
In Line With the Word home team, each of these people is so very special to me. I love them all and wanted you to have a chance to get to know them a little bit.
Several years ago 'Lighthouse Prayer' groups were started up at our church. So on the first Monday of each month, I put on a pot of coffee and at about 7:00 am the cars start pulling into the driveway. After welcomes and hugs almost everyone makes her way into the kitchen for a cup of coffee before heading to her favorite spot in the living room. I know what you're thinking! 7:00 in the morning? Though, we've had to deal with some slipping and sliding because of snow or icy weather or a very rare Monday holiday, we all agree it works for us like a charm. The core group averages 4 to 5 people and though we're small in number, we make up for it with God's grace and the Holy Spirit. We pray and praise God through the good times and the bad! It's what draws us together.
Every few months or so, we get together for Food, Fun and Fellowship. It provides a perfect opportunity for our families to gather to spend some time breaking bread, catching up and strengthening our bonds of friendship. Sunday, we gathered for a cookout at my house. Though it was 90* and humid, we were blessed with lots of shade and lots of great food.

Charlie did the grilling and as always did a great job. While he isn't YET an official member of our prayer group or home team, he is a great host and makes everyone who enters our home feel very welcome. Thanks honey for that.

We were all excited about our very special 'guests' Ed and Cindy.
Though Cindy was under the weather and had to remain home
resting, Ed enjoyed a great afternoon and fit right in.
I apologize for not having any photos of Ed but I forgot
to have him sign a permission form. Just kidding.
I'm surely working to correct this oversight!
Meet Jeanne & Ted Gaudet! Congratulations to Jeanne on
becoming a licensed Minister!

Brenda & Wally Abbott: Brenda heads up the Meals
Ministry , Wally serves as an Usher.

Tyler is Brenda & Wally's first born son. He's a great young man
who was simply worn out after lots of fun time.

Bradley is adventorous . Check out his moves on the Rip Stick!

While the adults sat outside enjoying the shady back yard,
the youngsters found their very own place to crash and
cool off in the screen porch.

That's where we find Liz and her brother Nick! They came
along with their grandparents Donna & Ralph.

Ralph was my designated photographer, so we don't
have his picture but meet Donna. She's on the left
of this picture. Donna & Ralph work in the
Media Ministries working the cameras and sound booth.

Marguerite & Dave Blomquist joined us. We don't get to spend time
with Dave very often so it was great having a chance to get to know him
better. Dave, my husband Charlie (pictured) and Ed enjoyed
discussing hunting, politics, heavy equipment and so much more.
Marguerite does the 'card' ministry for the Women's

Last but not least meet the Benoit family: Renee is wife & mom.
She also serves as the Deacon Board Secretary.

Husband & Dad Tony
Tony does the sound board in the Media Ministries

And their son Cody who didn't stop moving very much. What a great day!

When Cody did stop for a bit he, too, found the screen porch
to catch his breath and cool off.

Our afternoon was wonderful fun but we eventually had to say our 'goodbye's
until our next get together. So let me leave it with ....
Until we meet again , Sal
P.S. God is so good to us. Many years ago I taught in our local
middle school and had both Renee
and Brenda as students. We had lost touch and
God brought us back into one anothers lives.
How gracious and generous He is!